Garden of the Musicians

20th Anniversary

This concert presents two liturgical dramas from the Middle Ages. During festive occasions, significant episodes from the Gospel were staged and sung for the delight of the faithful.

The first, the Annunciation, depicts the Archangel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she is pregnant with Jesus. Elisabeth also appears, and although it is called “the Visitation,” it did not happen at the same time. However, they are narrated together here. The manuscript contains a musical setting of the biblical texts assigned to the different characters, with stage directions for each phrase, making it a unique document of its kind.

The second liturgical drama, “The Three Marys,” features Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Mary, the wife of Cleophas, at the foot of the Cross, along with St. John. This episode relates to the Passion of Christ and specifically the moment when Christ, knowing he is about to die, says to John and Mary: “Woman, behold your son; son, behold your mother.” The style of these chants is written in the Gregorian style.